Periodontics includes largely the maintenance of health of the tissues surrounding the teeth. This department specializes not only in oral prophylaxis, but also in procedures related to restoration of damaged gums, bones and other parts of tissue surrounding the teeth.
HOD's Message

"I, Professor & Head of the Department of Periodontics welcome you all to the department in Goenka Research Institute of Dental Science. Our department specialize in providing care to periodontium, the supporting structures of the teeth. We believe in evidence based dentistry and have adopted novice treatment goals and clinical therapeutic interventions to welcome better outcome. Recently, the concept of aesthetics, replacement of compromised teeth with implants, and reconstruction and regeneration of lost periodontal tissues have become more popular and hence an integral part of our specialty. It is also evident that the periodontal diseases cause systemic illness which makes it essential to diagnose the periodontal problems and treat them on priority. Our undergraduate students are trained to diagnose various periodontal problems and improve the state of periodontium by cleaning the teeth of patients using hand and ultrasonic instruments. Our post-graduate students possess skill of differential diagnosis and various surgical procedures to restore the normal function of the periodontium. We offer our students the platform to participate in research activities to overcome the burden of periodontal disease in the community we serve."
- Dr. Charu Agrawal
Sr. No. | Name | Designation | Department | E Mail Id |
1 | DR. CHARU AGRAWAL | PROFESSOR & HOD | Periodontics | |
2 | DR. FORAM SHAH | READER | Periodontics | drforamashah22@gmail.com |
3 | DR. AKTA SANGHAVI | READER | Periodontics | akta.h.sanghavi@gmail.com |
4 | DR. RUCHI RAVAL | READER | Periodontics | ruchi.raval18@gmail.com |
5 | DR. AKSHAYSINH VALA | SENIOR LECTURER | Periodontics | akshay.vala3@gmail.com |
6 | DR. PUSHTI PUROHIT | SENIOR LECTURER | Periodontics | purohit.pushti579@gmail.com |
7 | DR. CHARMI MANDALI | SENIOR LECTURER | Periodontics | charmimandali196@gmail.com |
8 | DR. ANJANA TOLIYA | SENIOR LECTURER | Periodontics | dranjana1608@gmail.com |
9 | DR ZALAK PATEL | SENIOR LECTURER | Periodontics | |
10 | DR. VIDHI PATEL | LECTURER | Periodontics | patelvidhis29@gmail.com |
To facilitate the study of periodontics, the department has been provided substantially with dental chairs and latest equipments. Here we treat different types of periodontal problem. To name sum we treat the ailments of gum swelling and perform bleeding gums periodontal surgery.