Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry aims at promoting and managing good dental health among children. This field of dentistry places additional emphasis on establishing a feeling of trust and confidence in the patient. It has been proven that poor dental health is often responsible for decline in school performance and unhealthy social interactions. Therefore paediatric dentists give advice on how to make teeth strong, the importance of healthy eating habits and other ways to prevent cavities.
HOD's Message

“Welcome to the department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry. Pediatric dentistry is that branch of dentistry which comprises of different disciplines, procedures, techniques, and skills that share a common basis with all other departments. However, our treatment procedures are modified, designed, and adapted to fulfill the unique requirements of infants, children, adolescents and those with special health care needs. Our ultimate goal is to provide comprehensive dental care to the pediatric patients. Our highly qualified staff teach undergraduate students both theoretically and clinically and enables them to independently diagnose the dental problem and decide the course of treatment. We teach our students the topics as per the revised syllabi and adapt the teaching methodologies accordingly. We constantly following-up the students for their personal and professional development which is at utmost importance. Our students are well trained in treating the child patient and emphasize on child psychology and behavior management for the superior quality of dental treatment and better outcome. We assure better education for our students and better treatment for our patients. ”
Sr. No. | Name | Designation | Department | E Mail Id |
1 | DR. JALARK PATEL | PROFESSOR | Pedodontics | jalarkpatel@ymail.com |
2 | DR. ANKITA DIXIT | READER | Pedodontics | drankita.dixit@gmail.com |
3 | DR KISHA MEHTA | SENIOR LECTURER | Pedodontics | - |
4 | DR. VRAJ UPADHYAY | LECTURER | Pedodontics | dr.vrajupadhyay513@gmail.com |
For child patients we have the pedodontics department with dental chairs & necessary equipments and all other instruments necessary for a happy and healthy treatment of children.