Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology & Microbiology

Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology & Microbiology


This program is approved and accredited by the Dental Council of India. The Undergraduate Program deals with extraction of teeth, the complications arising and their subsequent management, and the management of medical emergencies on the dental chair. The Postgraduate Program begins with complicated extraction and goes on to involve OPD and OT cases as well.

HOD's Message


“The Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology & Microbiology is dedicated to train dental students and interns about dental anatomy, dental histology, various oral & maxillofacial pathologies, forensic dentistry and related fields. The department is actively involved in educating 200 undergraduate students in 2 subjects both theoretically and practically at all times. The department serves in the field of surgical pathology, cytology, oral microbiology, and salivary diagnostics. Our department provides best quality of diagnostic services to the patients by educating the population regarding the pathogenesis of several preventable oral conditions such as pre-cancerous lesions, oral squamous cell carcinoma, tooth anomalies, and salivary gland disorders. Our department actively participates in research work in the field of specialty research and interdisciplinary research. Our department constantly updates and compiles an epidemiological data pertaining to common pathological conditions. We wish best to our students for their future course of action.”



Sr. No. Name Designation Department E Mail Id
1 DR. UDAY PATEL PROFESSOR Oral Pathology uday7246@yahoo.co.in
2 DR. DHAVAL JANI PROFESSOR Oral Pathology dr_dhaval_jani@gmail.com
3 DR. DHARTI ZATAKIYA SENIOR LECTURER Oral Pathology dhartid0@gmail.com
4 DR. BINDI M GAJJAR SENIOR LECTURER Oral Pathology drbindipandya@yahoo.in
5 DR. MANSI LONGHANI LECTURER Oral Pathology mansilonghani698@gmail.com
7 DR. HARSHIDHI PATEL LECTURER Oral Pathology harshidhi14@gmail.com


  • To conduct courses leading to dental professional qualifications.
  • To conduct courses leading to auxiliary dental professional qualifications.
  • To provide opportunities for continuous professional development.
  • To encourage students’ activities aimed at benefiting their character building.
  • To improve quality of life of people by providing basic and advanced oral healthcare services.
  • To foster research for advancement of dental practice and community well-being.